Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Lex is back from DC fighting the traitors who showed their true colors on the 6th (which we expected to happen). But James and Lex are joined by two of our favorite Patriots in the movement @HeyJudithRose & @TheUKPatriot. They tell us their story and how they found themselves fighting on the right side of history! Also we discuss some of the habbenings down in DC and how we see things unfolding! Unfortunately we were only able to do an hour show today cuz of CRAZY time differences but we will definitely have both these two love birds back on again very soon!
Go Subscribe to their Podcast The Jude and Matt Chat on youtube!
Go give them some love and pick up some merch in their store!
Follow Jude on all social platforms
IG: @HeyJudithRose
Twitter: @judithrose91
Parler: @Judeofarc1111
Follow Matty Rey on IG: @TheUKPatriot
Twitter: @theUKpatri0t
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