Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Episode 19 we are joined by Mark Palmer from the Bud Triangle podcast and guest acquisition for Zero Podcast with Sam Tripoli! We dive into the life of Alister Crowley and his influence in todays society. This man was a huge influence in all the evil satanic things we see today and should not be respected by anyone he was the definition of evil but it is very important to understand where this ideology comes from! This Episode was honestly terrifying once we started talking about Crowley and Mark read a passage from one of his books to prove a point of how satanic and evil Crowley actually was his voice started to change on the recording and sounded super creepy! Check it out for yourself and you be the judge.
Follow Mark on IG @waywardintellect & @podcstzero
Subscribe to his Podcast The Bud Triangle on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO0A8caVlYmn-n3QgLosqXQ
Subscribe to Zero Podcast w/ Sam Tripoli:
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